C2 Drug List Printable

Wikipedia list articleThis is the list of Schedule II drugs as defined by the.The following findings are required for drugs to be placed in this schedule:. The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.

67 rows  The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the.

The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States or a currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions. Abuse of the drug or other substances may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.The complete list of Schedule II drugs follows.

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This second article of a 4-part series on key components of the Federal Controlled Substances Act will discuss the requirements for controlled substances prescriptions. For a prescription for a controlled substance to be considered valid, it must be “issued for a legitimate medical purpose by a registered practitioner acting in the usual course of sound professional practice.” Registered practitioner refers to any health care professional who is authorized to prescribe controlled substances within the area in which he or she is licensed to practice and who is registered with the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) or is exempt from registration. All of the following must be included in a prescription for a controlled substance:.Issue date.Name and address of patient.Name, address, and DEA registration number of practitioner.Drug name.Strength of drug.Dosage form (ie, tablet, suspension, etc).Quantity prescribed.Directions for use.Refills (if authorized).Manual signature of the prescriberSchedule II prescriptions must be presented to the pharmacy in written form and signed by the prescriber.

There are no federal quantity limits on Schedule II prescriptions. In addition, there is no federal time limit on when a Schedule II prescription must be filled after being signed by a prescriber.


That being said, the pharmacist must ensure that the controlled substance is being prescribed for a legitimate medical purpose; the quantity of the medication prescribed and the time between signing and filling of a prescription may play a role in this decision. Note that state laws may have stricter rules.A prescription for a Schedule II medication may be phoned into the pharmacy in an emergency situation. The prescriber must follow-up the phone prescription with a written prescription to the pharmacy within 7 days. Faxed Schedule II prescriptions are generally permitted, however, the pharmacist must receive the original, signed written prescription before dispensing the Schedule II controlled substance to the patient. There are 3 scenarios in which a facsimile Schedule II prescription may serve as an original written prescription.