Download Google Play Services Lib Jar
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Sep 12, 2016 ・google-play-services libの再インストール この質問とまったく同じ状況なのですが、まずaarファイルの解凍が出来ず、7zipで展開してもなぜかマニフェストファイルが生成されます。そして'zipで解凍すればjarが中にいると思いますので引っ張りだしてみて. Home » » google-play-services Google Play Services. Artifactory auto generated POM Tags: service google android: Used By: 2 artifacts. Spring Plugins. Spring Lib M. Toshiba mk1652gsx ata device driver for mac windows 7. JBoss Releases. WSO2 Releases. Popular Tags. Web site developed by @frodriguez Powered by: Scala, Play, Spark, Akka.
Library Project including Google Play services client jar.This can be used by an Android project to use the API's providedby Google Play services.There is technically no source, but the src folder is necessaryto ensure that the build system works. The content is actuallylocated in the libs/ directory.USAGE:Make sure you import this Android library project into your IDEand set this project as a dependency.Note that if you use proguard, you will want to include theoptions from proguard.txt in your configuration.
EDIT: I'm going to post what ended up working for me up here, so you can avoid reading through my struggle.Basically, my problem was that I couldn't use the newest version of Google Play Services because they are packaged as an .aar file instead of a jar, and I'm using Eclipse, which can't use .aar files.
This is what I ended up following: .. ated-AdMob)
Unfortunately, the /extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/ directory doesn't exist on newer versions of Google Play Services. I ended up finding the most recent version that DID have that folder (version 29), and downloaded it. I got it from here: ..
I continued following the directions in the above link. Everything looked great, and I had a test-ad setup following this video:
But when I finally tried to run the Android version, I was getting reference errors, that the project could not find any of the Google Play Services classes. There were a ton of errors, but it was something similar to this:
- Code: Select all
I had indeed followed this step of the process:
But for some reason it still couldn't see the Classes. I ended up right clicking on my Android project --> Properties --> Java Build Path --> (Libraries Tab) Add Jar.. --> Browsed to the google-play-services.jar and added it. Then click on the Order and Export tab and check the google-play-services.jar and hit apply.
From there I was able to run the Android project with the test Ad setup (from the above video) and with Google's test AdUnitID:
- Code: Select all
Hope this helps anyone. If I run into any more issues/fixes I'll add them here.
Hey guys - I'm trying to set up my android project to have Google Play Service's ads. I've been back and forth between a ton of tutorials/information and lots of it is outdated and confusing me. Sorry if this is long, but I wanted to include everything I've tried.
My current object is just to get the libraries added to my project, which is in Eclipse. On first Googling I came upon this: .. ated-AdMob)
It says to do this:
The newest versions of Google Play Services apparently don't have 'google-play-services_lib' to copy. According to someone on a forum, it has been split up into different files/locations (?).
What I've done:
1) Updated almost everything in my android SDK manager to current
2) Started following this video:
About a minute in, he tells you to update you build.gradle and add this line:
In his video, the current version is 8.3.0. It looks like 9.2.1 is the newest version to date, so I put that in there.
3) He then says to sync gradle and that it should download/compile the libraries into your game. He then points out an error that you could possibly get, where it says your minimum android sdk version needs to be set to 9 instead of the default 8.
Here is what I did:
In my AndroidManifest.xml, I set android:minSdkVersion='9'
Refreshed each of my project folders (core/desktop/android/etc)
Did Gradle -> Refresh All for each of the project folders
I thought the Gradle -> Refresh All was the same thing as sync-ing Gradle, but it didn't seem to download anything new (and completed quickly without errors).
I then looked around the internet some more and found this forum post which was on a similar topic: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=22598&p=92961&hilit=google+play+services+android%3Abuild#p92961
Tomski says:
So through command prompt I ran the 'gradlew android:build' command - here is what I got:
Despite me having changed the minSdkVersion to 9, it seems to still think that it is set to 8. I opened the actual AndroidManifest.xml file to verify that it was set to 9. I've cleaned the project, refreshed each of the project folders several times. I've rebooted my computer.
I'm not sure what else to check. Anyone have any idea what could be going on? Really appreciate any help, been hacking at this all day