Editable Igor Pro Graph Exported To Powerpoint This Is For Mac
Creating scientific posters on a Mac. But from what I remember you can easily copy-paste transparent graphs from Igor Pro, if you happen to use it. You can make it swallow transparency if. There should be a New Data Sheet command, and when the Data Sheet is select, you could import/export data to/from it. I miss the option to select a data point in the graph using the mouse pointer (show the exact position in the inspector and/or highlight the data row in the data sheet).
Hrodstein wrote:Windows OLE (object linking and embedding) is very complex and difficult to implement so I don't expect to see it in the near future.FWIW, I am reading elsewhere that Mac PC compatibility is promised to be much improved in the 2011 version of Office, with specific reference to OLE implementation. How that relates to differences in OLE/Windows versus whatever/Mac is beyond me. Reading between the lines however. Any attempts to create OLE or whatever linking of Igor Pro with MS Office software now will a) require different mindsets to make it work on both platforms, b) may actually only work on a PC and not at all or sparingly on a Mac, and c) break in the newest release of Office in three months anyway. A.kaiser wrote. One killer-feature. That seems to be blocking users from switching from Origin to Igor.
In my group THAT would really help to convince people to use Igor.With the response that Howard has given, a 'better' approach to entice Origin users might be to find data analysis problems that highlight the clear strengths of Igor Pro vs Origin.That of course also applies for Igor Pro vs Excel. Or vs ProFit.
Or vs MatLab. Indeed, I wonder (to myself mostly) whether IgorExchange would be a proper place to post such comparisons. I think I have seen such things done on other software 'support' sites, for example as something akin to a 'Igor Pro vs Other Software' forum.
Follow ups to this idea (if the interest arises) might be better directed to the IgorExchange.com forum.In any event, good luck in your efforts to convert your colleagues.-J. WeimerChemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville. As a follow-up to this, the LinkBack project provides a way for documents to communicate on the Mac. I have just discovered the true power of this while creating lecture notes in Curio where I included a linked equation made with LaTeXiT.
I was able to click on the equation in Curio, enable the LaTeXiT edit, change the equation, and have that equation dynamically change within my lecture note idea space. Wow!Development of this capability to allow dynamic link back to a graph/table/whatever copied from Igor Pro and pasted within Curio would be phenomenal!!!!!! Would that I knew MacOS level programming.-J. WeimerChemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville. One can obtain similar functionality as follows.0. Copy-paste the desired graph from Igor Pro into Powerpoint1.
In Igor Pro, do 'Save Graph Copy.' To save the desired graph as a pxp file2. In Powerpoint, do 'Insert - Object' and then choose 'Create from file' and select the pxp file from step 13.
Place the pxp object next to the copy-pasted graph-off slide if desiredThe pxp file is now contained as an object in the Powerpoint file. If someone needs to make modifications to the graph, they can double click the pxp object in Powerpoint, modify the graph under Igor Pro, and then copy-paste the new version back into Powerpoint.As long as you first do 'Save' in Igor Pro, the pxp object will be updated when you do 'Save' in Powerpoint.You can do this with any Windows application with capability to insert file objects.The attachment shows an example (Powerpoint 2007). Agarttha wrote:One can obtain similar functionality as follows.You can do this with any Windows application with capability to insert file objects.Yes. This is a good trick in the meantime! Create the graph, save it as a stand-alone experiment, and then embed the graph and the experiment both in your application.
The downside is, you have to copy/paste back the graph should you make any changes to it. In other words, the link-back to update the graph from IgorPro to the given app is not dynamic, it is manual.This trick should work with Mac too (though I've not tested it).
The results would show what a “Florida man” did on that day (in the case of April 13 it would be “Florida man gets head-butted, knocked out by alligator.” The list of weird articles goes on. For example, if your birthday is April 13, you’d search for Florida Man April 13.
Copy / paste as an object a link to the.pxp file that stores the graph.As a note, the would do step 1 with some additional advantages (eg being able to save notes with the graph).-J. WeimerChemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville.
Compound muscle action potential (CMAP) recording via reconstructed or regenerated motor axons is a critical examination to evaluate newly developed surgical and regeneration techniques. However, there is currently no documentation on technical aspects of CMAP recordings via reconstructed or regenerated facial nerves. We have studied new techniques of plastic surgery and nerve regeneration using a rat facial nerve defect model for years, standardizing an evaluation pipeline using CMAP recordings.
Here we describe our CMAP recording procedure in detail as a package including surgical preparation, data acquisition, analysis and troubleshooting. Each resource is available in public repositories and is maintained as a version control system. In addition, we demonstrate that our analytical pipeline can not only be applied to rats, but also mice. Finally, we show that CMAP recordings can be practically combined with other behavioral and anatomical examinations.