Klm Kt 34 Antenna Manual

Hy.I hawe upgrade a old Klm kt 34 at klm kt 34a.At 14 Mhz band swr are 1,4:1.21 mhz 1,3:1. The antena is tested about 2 meters up from the ground.Now i am suprised that the antena also work at 18 mhz.and the swr are 1,1:1 and the reactance are 0!!!!!The problem is that i cant adjust the band of 28 mhz.swr are 3,5:1 at 28, 500 mhz!!!!!!Antena work good with swr 1,1:1 at 32 mhz.???What is the problem!!!My another friend hawe a klm kt 34 xa.and have the same problem on 28 mhz.and the same result at 32 mhz????If anibody can help.thanks.!!73 de 9A1ZZ op Frenki, and 9A9K op Sanjin.

It does seem like you have the ground causing problems. Some have put the antenna in a vertical position with the reflectors toward the ground. There will still be some interaction with the ground but it'll be less especially if the reflector can be 2 meters, or a lot more above the ground. Keep the antenna away from nearby objects if you want good results.

Wanted: KLM KT-34A Assembly Manual. FS: KLM KT-34A Antenna Manual. FS: KLM KT-34A. FS KLM KT-34A tri-bander. KLM KT-34A SWR Problem. Wanted: KLM KT-34A Assembly Manual. Cushcraft X7 versus KLM KT-34A. Whats better a KLM KT-34A or a cushcraft A3S. KLM KT-34A Capacitor End Caps. KT-34XA to KT-34A. KLM ELECTRONICS, INC. LINEAR VHF AMPLIFIERS CLASS 'AB' FM/CW/SSB/AM This series of amplifiers is designed for 143 to 149 Mhz 2 meter band operation. The designs use the latest in micro-stripline techniques and highest quality state of the art transistors. Relay switching is automatic RF sensing. These units do not require any tuning.

According to the manual you should have the antenna mounted at least 3 to 7.6 meters above the ground for your test.Also did you use the dimensions from the 1983 manual or some other year? The good one is the 1983 edition and you should follow that. Check your insulators and standoffs.Hope this helps73Gary.

Introducing algorithms in c. The KT-34XA is the latest in KLM's new series of tribanders.Innovative in concept, practical in design, the KT-34XAoutperforms all commercially available trjbanders and manymonoband systems, too.The world famous, performance proven KT-34 is 'the heart ofthe 'X'. But, by doubling the boom length, adding oneoptimumly placed full size 10 meter element, and one moretri-resonant element,' gain jumps by 4 dB on 10 meters and2-2.5 dB on 20 and 15.'


Gain is virtually flat across 20.and 15 meters. On 10meters, the 'X' is optimized for the DX'er, 28 to 29 MHz.While achieving performance 'equal to, or exceeding, astacked monoband array, the/modest size of the KT-34XA meanssmaller tower and rotator requirements and a lower overallwindload.Power handling capability is excellent and effeciency is high.Normal operation over the rated bandwidths require noadjustments other than assembly to the original instructiondimensions. These terms and conditions contain rules about posting comments.