Python Call Phone Number
Apr 17, 2017 twilio tutorial python phone calls (2019) - Duration: 5:57. Chris mahn 1,111 views. How to program a Twilio call bot in python - Duration: 10:22. Alex Shelton 616 views. #!python # - # Python / Skype4Py example that takes a skypename or number from the commandline # and calls it. Adobe lightroom torrent pirate bay. # import sys import Skype4Py # This variable will get its actual value in OnCall handler CallStatus = 0 # Here we define a set of call statuses that indicate a call has been either aborted or finished CallIsFinished = set (Skype4Py.clsFailed, Skype4Py.clsFinished, Skype4Py.clsMissed, Skype4Py.clsRefused, Skype4Py.clsBusy, Skype4Py.clsCancelled); def AttachmentStatusText(status.
Phonenumbers Python LibraryThis is a Python port ofIt supports Python 2.5-2.7 and Python 3.x (in the same codebase, with noconversion needed).Original Java code is Copyright (C) 2009-2015 The Libphonenumber Authors.Release, derived from. InstallationInstall using with: pip install phonenumbersExample UsageThe main object that the library deals with is a PhoneNumber object. You can create this from a stringrepresenting a phone number using the parse function, but you also need to specify the countrythat the phone number is being dialled from (unless the number is in E.164 format, which is globallyunique). import phonenumbers x = phonenumbers.parse( '+77 ', None) print(x)Country Code: 44 National Number: Leading Zero: False type(x) y = phonenumbers.parse( '020 8366 1177 ', 'GB ') print(y)Country Code: 44 National Number: Leading Zero: False x yTrue z = phonenumbers.parse( '00 1 650 253 2222 ', 'GB ') # as dialled from GB, not a GB number print(z)Country Code: 1 National Number: Leading Zero(s): FalseThe PhoneNumber object that parse produces typically still needs to be validated, to check whetherit's a possible number (e.g. It has the right number of digits) or a valid number (e.g. It'sin an assigned exchange). z = phonenumbers.parse( '+120012301 ', None) print(z)Country Code: 1 National Number: 20012301 Leading Zero: False phonenumbers.ispossiblenumber(z) # too few digits for USAFalse phonenumbers.isvalidnumber(z)False z = phonenumbers.parse( '+1 ', None) print(z)Country Code: 1 National Number: Leading Zero: False phonenumbers.ispossiblenumber(z)True phonenumbers.isvalidnumber(z) # NPA 200 not usedFalseThe parse function will also fail completely (with a NumberParseException) on inputs that cannotbe uniquely parsed, or that can't possibly be phone numbers.
z = phonenumbers.parse( '7 ', None) # no region, no + = unparseableTraceback (most recent call last):File 'phonenumbers/', line 2350, in parse'Missing or invalid default region.' )phonenumbers.phonenumberutil.NumberParseException: (0) Missing or invalid default region.
z = phonenumbers.parse( 'gibberish ', None)Traceback (most recent call last):File 'phonenumbers/', line 2344, in parse'The string supplied did not seem to be a phone number.' )phonenumbers.phonenumberutil.NumberParseException: (1) The string supplied did not seem to be a phone number.Once you've got a phone number, a common task is to format it in a standardized format. There are a fewformats available (under PhoneNumberFormat), and the formatnumber function does the formatting. formatter = phonenumbers.AsYouTypeFormatter( 'US ') formatter.inputdigit( '6 ')'6' formatter.inputdigit( '5 ')'65' formatter.inputdigit( '0 ')'650' formatter.inputdigit( '2 ')'650 2' formatter.inputdigit( '5 ')'650 25' formatter.inputdigit( '3 ')'650 253' formatter.inputdigit( '2 ')'650-2532' formatter.inputdigit( '2 ')'(650) 253-22' formatter.inputdigit( '2 ')'(650) 253-222' formatter.inputdigit( '2 ')'(650) 253-2222'Sometimes, you've got a larger block of text that may or may not have some phone numbers inside it. For this,the PhoneNumberMatcher object provides the relevant functionality; you can iterate over it to retrieve asequence of PhoneNumberMatch objects. Each of these match objects holds a PhoneNumber object togetherwith information about where the match occurred in the original string. text = 'Call me at 510-748-8230 if it's before 9:30, or on 7 after 10am.
' for match in phonenumbers.PhoneNumberMatcher(text, 'US '). Print(match).PhoneNumberMatch 11,23) 510-748-8230PhoneNumberMatch 51,62) 7 for match in phonenumbers.PhoneNumberMatcher(text, 'US '). Print(phonenumbers.formatnumber(match.number, phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormat.E164)).+0+0You might want to get some information about the location that corresponds to a phone number. Thegeocoder.areadescriptionfornumber does this, when possible. from phonenumbers import timezone gbnumber = phonenumbers.parse( '+56 ', 'GB ') timezone.timezonesfornumber(gbnumber)('Atlantic/Reykjavik', 'Europe/London')For more information about the other functionality available from the library, look in the unit tests or in the original. Memory UsageThe library includes a lot of metadata, giving a significant memory overhead.
Given below is my telephone directory program.i made two lists one for name and the other for number.I merged it into a dictionary.performing basic functions.The problem is howto update the dictionary every time and how to save this program in a new directory,so as to call it any time and make the changes or view it.
please help me make it complicated as i am a beginner.
Thanks a lot in advance
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